Wednesday, November 5, 2008

# 6 Here I go! Fun with Flickr

OK, so I was lost in assignments. I am now back on track. Here is my attempt to play with the make my own make map in the fun with flickr section. I hope this works as I am on my own. (I had to leave the tutors upstairs.),49fb00,49fb00&chf=bg,s,437aff&chtm=usa&chld=AK&chd=s:0"

OK, I just pasted the darn feed over what I had written and now I have to rewrite all my rantings. Well, I enjoyed seeing all the options in fun with flickr and decided to try the make my own map thing. I chose this because it was easy to do and I have always wanted to visit Alaska.

Well I am not going to type anymore as I now need to try to send this, post this, do whatever with this.

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