Sunday, December 14, 2008

#23 Farewell To 2.0 ... Gone but not forgotten

Thanks to JPL 2.0 I ventured into computer territories that I would have never "clicked" on. Lessons on Library Thing, Flickr, You Tube, and Podcasts were fun and enlightening for me. The Technorati, Wiki, and RSS Feeds left me dazed.
I would gladly participate on the next venture. I do feel that with this assignment there were many who really did not need JPL 2.0 but JPL 3.0 as they seemed to already use and know of many of the sites and services. The tutors on Wednesdays were life savers. Donna had the patience of three saints and deserves a gold star. If my schedule had permitted I would not have missed a session with her. As for the library... this is the direction we must go in. The librarian with the reference book is now the librarian with the best website.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

#22 Audio Books Home stretch

I made it through the Overdrive tutorial. Boy do I miss the common craft people. I am amazed at what technology can do for us. I do look forward to trying out the audio books for those long family car rides. I captured the cover of one of David Sedaris' books. i hope he is the narrator/reader of the book.
As for the library customer it offers you one more place to find your favorite book and best of all keeps track of your due date. Although, you all do a pretty good job with the e-mail reminders.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

#21 Second time around

YES YES YES I came to the tutorial and Donna showed us how to add the feed to the Bloglines. I now have NPR's Wait Wait Don't tell Me on my blog!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

# 21 Podcast or better yet Pod H -e- double hockey sticks!

Ok This is somewhat like you tube for me. I find it overwhelming to say the least. Pod Pickle was way too confusing. I am now signed up for Odeo and Podcast Alley and I already had itunes at home. My problem is that I could not make the RSS feed thing hook up with my bloglines account. I am not sure where all the info went but it surely is not on my blogsline account. I think as exciting as the sites are I am so overwhelmed by the sites i do not know where to begin. I listened to some of the Education site with the English as a second language podcast. Unfortunately it was not very good. I ended up going into Podcast Alley and finding Prairie Home Companion and hopefully it is linked in with this title. If I have time I will visit the tutor session tommorrow.

Monday, December 8, 2008

#20 You Tube Addiction

I have to tell you all this is the first time I ventured into You Tube. I know, how can that be? Well, unless you sent me a link in an e-mail I just never went on the site. One thing I learned from JPL 2.0 is that you place the video on pause and let it load up and then watch it. This has been the missing link for me. i never had the patience with the videos constantly stopping with the little dot thing circling over the video but now I am addicted. I went in to look at the fun things the libraries had put on. I watched quite a few and kept going to the next one thinking that would be the one I put on the blog. But i decided to put a video of the blue whale on because I could.

Yikes There It Is!!

Hello!, I wanted these with my post below but could not get the window thing to open but apparently it was open and sitting in the little thing across the bottom ogf the screen.

#19 Web 2.0 Winners

OK so I must admit that the first site I went to visit was the Retail site. Now I know you are wondering how that will help the library but let us remember first impressions are sometimes lasting impressions. I did enjoy finding a site that sold vintage clothing and now I am drawing a blank on the name. i guess that first impression was not lasting. For the library I checked out the education winners and found Mango and SpanishPod that would help with ESL students. There was also .docstoc that had all kinds of legal forms that you could download. I know the librarians get bombarded with questions on that kind of stuff. Under Books I found our old friend LibraryThing as Honorable mention. they also had Vufind. And I checked out the employment section because the days of paper apps is long gone and many of our customers have to turn to the library to apply for a job.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What I know abot 2.0!

Ok! Here is my document on Zoho Writer.  Some thoughts on 2.0 and moi. So far I have

  • created a blog
  • learned how to add a picture to my blogsmile
  • although I am not an expert I at least now know what an RSS feed iswink
  • I realize Google is not the only place to find stuff on the websurprised
  • I realize I may not have the patience for a job that requires you to be on a computer 24/7undecided
  • and for the first time ever I used the smiley faces that a certain someone use to send on all his email and drive me crazy!!foot in mouth

So all in all 2.0 this has been a fun ride and I look forward to the rest of the trip.



#18 Web-Based apps.

WOW!!! I am so excited about this activity. I published my document to my blog. It is the entry above this one. I must say this is something I will use in the future. It is neat that you can save your work and use any computer to retrieve it.
Thanks for this one 2.0!

Monday, December 1, 2008

# 17 Playing around with PB Wiki

Well I actually added myself to the favorite blog list without any outside help. I'd say pretty fantastic on my part. But enough about me and more about the PB wiki. Once again I guess I am not really appreciating all that this has to offer. I did add an entry to favorite movies and TV section. On the movies I could not figure out how to link up the movie title and the review section some fans hooked up to. For the favorite TV show I did manage to copy Arrested Development's title but it is so big I'm sure there will be talk. Again the wiki seems to be just one more alternative for a place to find info. Yes it is a little more subjective but it still serves the same purpose to me.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Where's my camera?

OK so we went to Cumberland Island for the day to see the incredible scenery and wild horses. It was beautiful. The salt Marshes, Carnegies home(whats left of it) and the horses,just being horses grazing and enjoying life. But I can't show you this lovely place because I did not have a camera with me. I know, who goes without a camera? So enjoy this blank space and try to picture the splendor of the island. Link to the park .

#16 Wiki

Wiki OK I have read all the info on Wiki. I looked into the ALA 2006 New Orleans Wiki and saw the meeting schedule for the conference. I then went to Book Lovers which I understand is not currently being updated. The site was left open to show what they had done with it and the reviews but now the reviews are kept on another site. I then looked at Library Success and read about the wonders that Wiki can do for a library. (not really) If I recall that site seemed to me to be the same as maybe the normal web site for a library.

I must say that here is where I admit my defeat to technology. Honestly at this point I am not sure how people use all these different sites. The RSS feeds, Blogs, Web page, Wiki...after a while they all seem to be offering the same info. I feel this is one of those left brain right brain things and I am using the wrong brain. I feel when I am looking through the sites it is just gibberish to me. I go through the list of JPL participants clicking on my fellow bloggers sites and I am in awe.
I do look forward to getting through the next 7 lessons and forcing myself to go and face my fear.

Friday, November 21, 2008

# 15 On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities: they preserve and promote community memories; they provide mentors not only for the exploration of stored memory, but also for the creation of new artifacts of memory. What was the library of the past?
I took this passage from Web 2.0: Where will the next generation of the web it take libraries? To a temporary place and time.Not being a librarian some of the article lost me but the man point, the gyst that we continue to service our communities into the age of technology. Peolpe will always need each other to move forward and the library definitely fills the nitch.

# 14 Technorati

Add to Technorati Favorites
Technorati was interesting. the ability to once again use key words to search is what I am all about. I was unable to find my blog on Technorati so I went ahead and claimed my blog on them.

Now the not sogreat stuff. When I tried to search "Learning 2.0" I did not find anything related to this course. I must admit though I did not go into all the pages but the first couple did not pull up what I was looking for. So the up and down side is the easy search and yet you do not always get what you are looking for.

# 13 Tagging,

I could definitely see the potential for research with this site. Within the Duval library system this would save re-inventing the wheel. Someone is working on a project that another Librarian researched 3 months ago. They could say go in to our account at and pull some of the stuff I found. Now the only draw back is that to me you would need to know what tag they put it under. Everyone has there own way of looking at their info. and they might have it in a tag you would never have put it under.
Yes many of the tags did look familiar to me as they were things we have covered during this class. I even found a fun Flickr slide show on librarians.

The reward of sticking with JPL2.0

How sweet is this? THIS MAKES IT ALL WORTHWHILE. I love this photo. THANKS JPL 2.0

# 9 More RSS feeds!!

I played with and found that the easiest. (once I realized that the search box was at the very top and small) I like the fact that I could just enter keywords and I was able to pull up stories for my topic. I am a big "Googler" and the site reminded me of Google.
I also realized that i had not made my Google Reader public and it is now public.
Yes you can click on the title here and go to my public Google Reader.

# 8 Google reader save my day!

Yes, the Google Reader will save the day. Sure, I can hook up with all the latest news that is out there and better yet have my favorite cartoons daily.

For the lesson the Common Craft video was the catalyst for me. I definitely need technology broken down for me. As far as using a feeder without the exercise I probably would not have tried to use one. I liked the fact that the 1000 options were there for me at Google Reader.

Better yet I learned how to have my title be my link. Please enjoy the ease of clicking on my title to see my Google Reader.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

#12 Jaxcat Gadget

I guess that if you are able to put in a book and see if it's available at the library that would be helpful away from the libraries page. Obviously I am just filling in space because I am still amazed at how the whole thing works. It's like TV, how does that picture come through those thin wires? I know that is not how it works but 4 years of Mass Communication in college and I am still amazed by electronic media and such.

Also do you have to refresh everytime to have it show on the blog?

Lesson #10 Hey Mikey, I like this!!

Ok I hope this image appears. I liked this fun Comic strip generator. If the pressure was not on to be witty ; I would have you splitting your sides with laughter. As it stands I can barely get through the assigmnments without having a heart attack.

Lesson #11 a second time around

Ok Everyone has jacket covers and rows of books on their blog and I still can't figure it out . I must move on.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lesson 11 Librarything">
I am trying to add the thingy from Library thing to my blog so my readers can see what i am reading. This is my third attempt if it fails I may not be able to continue. Aha, after this third attempt I think I have it.

This website is very enjoyable and I will visit it in the future. I think the link thing did not work. This is going to take some time on my part so I will have to make this a Wednesday night project.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

# 7My thoughts on technology.

Well, it is sad to say that I truly am technology challenged. I have struggled with the blogging world and feel that my mind just cannot wrap itself around technology. I have gotten
through the world of computers with the help of my friend Google all these years. I am excited about learning all these other advancements that are out there for me but I'm not sure I will retain and use them. Google may be my one true friend. But I am trying things that I would not have ventured to try without this program.
Outside of Gainesville is the MillCreek horse retirement farm. This farm is a place for horses who have devoted their life to service and now deserve a chance to rest. Many are retired police horses . The farm is open to the public on Saturday from 11-3. The admission is 2 carrots but you better bring 2 bags of carrots . You can walk around and take in the beautiful sight and feed a horse or two.
Now comes the technology part. I am attaching their web site.
Yes! I know to the average blogger this is infant care level but I am impressed with myself. Thanks 2.0.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wild Dog (2)

Wild Dog (2)
Originally uploaded by mngl
I am trying to play with flickr and see what I can do.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

# 6 Here I go! Fun with Flickr

OK, so I was lost in assignments. I am now back on track. Here is my attempt to play with the make my own make map in the fun with flickr section. I hope this works as I am on my own. (I had to leave the tutors upstairs.),49fb00,49fb00&chf=bg,s,437aff&chtm=usa&chld=AK&chd=s:0"

OK, I just pasted the darn feed over what I had written and now I have to rewrite all my rantings. Well, I enjoyed seeing all the options in fun with flickr and decided to try the make my own map thing. I chose this because it was easy to do and I have always wanted to visit Alaska.

Well I am not going to type anymore as I now need to try to send this, post this, do whatever with this.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

# 5 Flickr Fickle!

Well, we finally managed to get to this step. Thank God for our tutor Donna!!! Big V and I are really becoming computer wizards now. We will see how this posting comes out and if we are ready to advance.

I posted this pic for the love of all my dogs that have been there for me. Of course this is the 4 legged dog not all those others. My dogs have been the best part of my life through the years.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

#4 Having confidence in myself...

Wow, as I check out all the blogs I see that I truly need to learn more about this world of computer communication. Kudos to my fellow 2.0 bloggers for some great sights and inspiration for me. Hopefully my next message/fun thing will be as creative as the ones I have seen.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Ok week two for me and I am already lost in the world of computer cyberspace. I believe I may have screwed up my e-mail section of the create and am not sure where this rant will land. I guess this is why I am taking the course.

God speed.